
The cat with the apricot ears
bathes in a pool of windowsill sunlight
Viscid warmth saturates silken fur--
my honey-coated cat,
a melted puddle of purr


Getting back to creating

Well, I guess it's time for me to clean up my studio and start creating again. It's been way too long since I have done anything creative on a consistent basis--sure, there's been a card here, a cake there...every once in awhile some writing or photography. But all-in-all my creative muse has been on holiday. Time to summon her back from wherever she's been (no doubt lounging on a beach surrounded by cabana boys)--lucky her. So I'm off to clean up my sadly neglected studio. It's been 2 years since I've moved to Texas and I still don't have it unpacked. I'm looking forward to actually making some cards here in the next day or so. I will post pics of what comes out of the "laboratorrey". Until then, may your day be filled with shiny bits and sparkly pieces...HAPPY CREATING!

-MacGyver (aka Torrey)